September 26, 2008

New Travel Albums for Peru and Costa Rica With Kids

Check out the new photo albums for Travel With Kids Peru and Costa Rica. Click on album below and then click on Slideshow. DVD Travel Guide Coming Soon...
Peru With Kids

Costa Rica With Kids
Check out the new photo album for Travel With Kids Peru. Click to go to the album. Select Slideshow to see the pics big!

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys, we just came back from our trip to Costa Rica. We had a great time with the 4 of you in Montezuma and we have to say that after you left we really missed you and specially the kids! They were great and incredibly fun to hang out with.

    We are looking forward to the Costa Rica DVD!!!! and plese let us know if you ever come around this side of the world. You now have 2 friends from Chile that will be happy to show you around.

    Please tell Seamus that my name is still Fernan.

    Adios amigos!!!

    Fernan and Valentina
